About us

Master electricians develop their own digital planning tools

The history of the Sm@rt Home Team GmbH and the beginning of Noocoon

Maik Guschall, Geselle &
Christoph Lachmann, master electrician
of the Sm@rt Home Team GmbH

How we became a software manufacturer

Since 2010, we have been implementing smart home projects as specialists in our field

Noocoon is a brand of Sm@rt Home Team GmbH. In over 30,000 planning processes for projects, we were able to use the expertise and experience gained in our own electrical company in the field of building automation - not only in the classic single-family house segment, but also in the area of apartment buildings and commercial premises.

Our challenge: minimize planning effort and cost risks

The increasing demand and the growing complexity of building automation projects have presented us with the challenge of minimizing the time-consuming planning process and cost risks in our own electrical company in order to continue to implement the projects efficiently and profitably.

Digitalization of our business

We decided to digitize our entire company.
As there were no suitable solutions on the market, we developed our own digital planning tools for our master electricians. The results are applications that we are now making available to other electrical companies and planners.

We develop digital planning tools for specialists

Our planning tools for practitioners are developed by our software team in close cooperation with our master electricians, which are continuously tested and further developed in our own practice.

Our team

Dr. Marten von Velsen-Zerweck

Nikolaus Gutknecht-Stöhr

Tamer Akar
Sales Director

Urban Bozicnik
Sales Manager

Rolf Edel
Office Manager

Foto Manuel Heckmann, CMO

Manuel Heckmann

Carlo Schmidt
Marketing Manager

Prof. Dr. David Linner

Dirk Weinhardt
Head of Software Engineering

Kira Langeheine
Product Manager

Fidelius Manstein
Data Engineer

Lennard Scheibel
Software Engineer

Sascha Zierke
Software Engineer

Bild von Johannes Wipper, Software Engineer

Johannes Wipper
Software Engineer

Join the team!

Where does the name "Noocoon" actually come from?

  • Noo = ancient Greek "Spirit, thought, thinking power, mind, take to heart
    For example, the noosphere is an area of the earth determined and shaped by the human mind.
  • Coon =Derives from Cocoon, engl. for Kokon
    The word cocooning indicates withdrawing into the protection of your own home and security.

Noocoon stands for a well thought-out, intelligently automated, energy-independent & climate-positive home, in which one feels completely comfortable and secure.

Networks and Partners


Learn more about how
the Noocoon Expert Tool